What does Different Order Statuses Mean to Sellers on Fiverr?

The sellers can their order status and the details on the running orders. These statuses help sellers to create a workflow of their tasks. These statuses are divided into two categories, some statuses tell the existing state of the order and the other is some terminologies regarding orders. So, in this tutorial, we’re going to elaborate those order statuses.

Existing-state Order Status

These statuses help sellers to take some crucial actions on the current orders. For example, the time left to deliver the order, the orders to be delivered first,  order history and much more.
To see those order statuses select “Selling” > “Orders”. Then click the particular order to see its status.

1) “Priority” Order

Orders with label “PRIORITY” require sudden action. These may be the orders you’ve rejected or the delivery is late etc.

2) “New” Order

The orders you’ve newly received from the buyer are labeled as “NEW”.

3) “Active” Order

The orders labeled as “ACTIVE”, are the orders on which are still working. This also includes such orders which aren’t started yet due to not receiving requirements on behalf of the buyer.

4) “Late” Order

The order is labeled “LATE”, when a seller is unable to submit at least after the 24 hours of delivery date.

5) “Delivered” Order

Let’s say the seller has delivered the order but the buyer hasn’t accepted that yet. This order status will be “DELIVERED”.

6) “Completed” Order

The order is “COMPLETED” when accepted by your buyer.

7) “Cancelled” Order

When the order is cancelled due to any reason it’s labeled as “CANCELLED”.

8) “Starred” Order

These are your marked or highlighted orders to indicate their priority.

Other Terminologies

These terminologies are depended on both the Seller’s and the buyer’s actions towards a particular order.

1) “Incomplete” Order

An order in it’s “INCOMPLETE” state is subjected to wait for the buyer’s reply to the order requirements. The order doesn’t get started until or unless the buyer replies to this message. In case, if the buyer doesn’t respond to this message, the seller has an authority to cancel the order without any harm to his profile.

2) “Rejected” Order

As a seller, you see an orange ribbon on the page indicating that you’ve to revise the submitted order. When the buyer’s requirements in an order are not met, then he can ask for making desired revisions. The seller is required to revise the order without timed on delivering the order.

3) Order “Dispute”

When the buyer or seller is not satisfied with the order proceedings, a mutual cancellation proposal is sent on behalf of either buyer or the seller. When the response is conducted on behalf of receiving person, the order is automatically canceled with “DISPUTE” label.

4) “Completed” Order

When the seller submits his order, and the buyer delivers a review or feedback the order is labeled “COMPLETED”. In case, the buyer doesn’t respond the order submission till 3 weeks, the order is completed automatically.

5) “Late” Order

When the seller misses the deadlines of his project, the order is labeled “LATE”. In this case, the buyer has an option to cancel the order when the seller doesn’t reply. However, when the seller delivers just after the deadline, the buyer can ask for revisions or rate the services on Fiverr.

6) “Very Late” Order

The “LATE” order is transformed into “VERY LATE” after 24 hours when the delivery is still not submitted. If the buyer cancels the order, the seller is given a negative rating.
These terminologies are highly depended on the seller and buyer dealings before, during and after the order submission. Make sure, as a seller, you treat the buyer affectionately giving him no chance of harming you, otherwise, your profile on Fiverr will be in huge loss.
Happy Selling!
